Ceremonial Treasures​

All by yourself, with family and friends, or with people you don’t know,

To share with honesty, to give gratitude, to celebrate significant moments…

Plant Teachers have always been here to enhance our ability to be intimate with ourselves and others.

To open, to feel, to express, to dive deep, to transform.

Ubulawu dream of a world where people gather in circles and use plant medicines with reverence.

Re-discovering ways to celebrate. Respecting our bodies, nature, and spirits.

When Plant Teachers are remembered as the Allies they are,

True magic happens.

Diet with Plant Teachers

Potent herbal treasures to support periods of intense healing, transformation, initiation, 

Such as time around ceremonies with Master Plant Teachers.

Those plant medicines may be used in diet (2-3 weeks long) to offer insights, wisdom, and the integration of transformative experiences.