Clitoria ternatea
Wild Harvest in Sri Lanka
Blue Butterfly Pea, Shankupushpam
A Magical blue flower to enhance beauty, creativity, and clarity.
When the flowers are infused in water, they release a fabulous royal indigo blue.
Not surprisingly, Aparajita acts as a “beauty teacher” on many levels. Alongside making a soft and pleasant infusion after a meal, Aparajita is a precious bearer of creativity and sensitivity : she helps our creative souls to express with ease and clarity.
Aparajita has been celebrated since ancient India for her soothing impact on the nervous system. Considered a brain booster, or “nootropic” in Ayurvedic medicine, Aparajita falls under the Medhya category, the “medicines of clear memory and strong intellect”.
Aparajita is closely related to Devi Durga, goddess of motherhood, protection, bravery, and war.
A flower of honour, Aparajita represents independence and moving forward.
In ancient Hindu astrology, blue flowers are said to embody the power to shift and change your destiny.
The design of her fabulous bloom inspired to her western discoverer the shape of a yoni, referring to the Latin name Clitoria Ternatea.
Used in combination with other plants to alter the Ph of the solution, Aparajita will turn your drink in wondrous nuances from Green, Purple or Pink ! Try it with different concentration of Lemon juice to start with 😉