Morning delight ☀

Le Peuple des Herbes abrite de véritables Magiciennes :

Des Guérisseuses, Maîtresses de la relaxation, de la sensualité, de la méditation,
de l’inspiration créatrice et de milles autres vertus délicieuses.

Elles nous font l’honneur de s’offrir à nous en palettes de saveurs et de sensations

Pars à la découverte de ces trésors aux pouvoirs réconfortants,

Porteuses de sensibilités et de réceptivité, de douce élévation et de profonde Sérénité…

Showing 1–16 of 46 results

  • Raspberry

    Raspberry leaves have been known since antiquity at least.

    A legend from Greek mythology tells us how the raspberry changed from a pearly white to the pinkish-red color we know today.

    According to the legend, the infant Zeus was entrusted to the nymph Ida, the daughter of the king of Crete. To soothe the cries of the future king of Olympus, she wanted to pick raspberries, but accidentally pricked her breast on one of the thorns. The drop of blood that flowed from her stained the raspberry.

    Since then, it has been said that the raspberry bears the color of Ida’s blood. This legend is reflected in the very name of the raspberry plant, as its Latin name is *Rubus idaeus*, which literally means “Ida’s bramble” or “bramble of the world of Ida.”

    The astringent properties of raspberry leaves, along with their benefits for late-stage pregnancy (preparing for childbirth) and harmonizing the female cycle, make them a plant that offers much more than just its fruits.

    Furthermore, raspberry leaves have been used in Europe for centuries as an alternative to tobacco.

    Its soft, cottony texture and neutral taste make it an excellent base for creating your own homemade Herbal Mix.

    To create a slightly fruity Herbal Mix base, we recommend a synergy of Mullein and Raspberry.

    For a more neutral blend, you can also explore Tussilage leaves.

    Finally, to make your herbal mixture a bit sweeter and tastier, you can toast it in a pan for 10 seconds over high heat. Start with a small quantity first!

    Also, check out our ready-to-use Herbal Mix and Indian Mix! 🙂

  • Coltsfoot – Tussilage

    Tussilage derives its name from the Latin *tussilago*, meaning “which chases away, which acts on cough.” Its common names, “herb for cough” and “cough chaser,” leave no doubt about its traditional uses.

    In the past, the Tussilage or Coltsfoot Leaf served as a sign for apothecaries, highlighting its importance.

    Additionally, Tussilage has been used in Europe for centuries as an alternative to tobacco.

    Its soft, cottony texture and neutral taste make it an excellent base for creating your own homemade Herbal Mix.

    To create a good base for an Herbal Mix, we recommend a simple and effective recipe using Mullein and Tussilage – Coltsfoot.

    For a fruitier mix, you can also explore Raspberry leaves.

    Finally, to make your herbal blend a bit sweeter and tastier, you can toast your herbal mixture in a pan for 10 seconds over high heat. Start with a small quantity first!

    Also, check out our ready-to-use Herbal Mix and Indian Mix ! 🙂

  • Rose

    Symbol of the royalty of the heart, the Rose is a truly magnificent flower to connect with, and to use in synergy.

    Rose flowers associates ideally with other plants such as Ceremonial Cacao!

    Ancient Wild Rose from India now available (petals & powder) and organic damask rose (buds) from Morocco.

    Full description coming soon.

  • Ceremonial Cacao

    ! Currently, only Raw Ceremonial Cacao Paste is available. 360g = 1 block = approx . 10-12 ceremonial servings !

    Cacao was considered a gift from the gods by the Mayans, who consumed it for its therapeutic and divinatory virtues, particularly during religious ceremonies.

    Cacao is a Master Plant Teacher for sensitivity, sensuality, and joy. It powerfully opens the heart and guides us toward discovering intimacy with ourselves and others.

    As a potent source of euphoria, inner warmth, courage, and confidence, Ceremonial-Grade Cacao can transport us to our depths.

    In groups, cacao serves as a key to communion, harmony, and intimacy.

    With over 200 beneficial components for health, cacao truly deserves its name as the “Food of the Gods.”

    In its industrial form, even in organic stores, cacao is typically roasted and melted in high temperature and has lost much of its properties. As a result, we are mostly unaware of the beneficial and magical qualities of true cacao. We are honored to share this sacred plant in bringing it to you in its purest form.

    Cacao is a treasure rich with a thousand secrets. Only raw cacao retains all its virtues. To preserve its benefits, it should not be exposed to high temperatures; therefore, it should only be added to a preparation when it is warm (below 40°C).

    It is said that Mexican Tarragon (Yauthli) is one of the secret ingredients of the mysterious Xocoatl recipe from the Aztec. It offers an exceptional synergy with cacao, and an incredible taste!

    You may as well discover other magical synergies with Cacao such as Blue Lotus, Pink Lotus, Maca, Rose Flowers…


  • Rhodiola

    The Golden Root, revered by Vikings and Chinese Emperors, is a plant of all extremes!

    Rhodiola Rosea likes the most intense climates. From the heights of the Altai mountains to the plains of northern Alaska and Siberia, she grows in the heart of some of the coldest place on earth, and is also exposed to powerful solar radiation.

    Source of incredible legends, The Vikings regarded Rhodiola as a mystical plant sacred to the Gods, very effective in increasing their power, physical strength, confidence in battle, and endurance on long journeys.

    In the Republic of Altai (Golden Mountains), where its endemic abundance is exceptional, the Golden Root has been venerated from time immemorial, It is said that regular drinkers of Rhodiola Rosea’s tea will live more than a century old.

    A treasure of Inner-Strength and Vital Power, Rhodiola Rosea is considered one of the most potent Adaptogenic herbs to invigorate and bring back balance.

    Adaptogenic herbs are teachers of Resilience : an ability to deal and adapt to extreme and stressful situations, may it be physical, emotional, or mental.

    After periods of exhaustion, hard work or emotional turmoil, a cure of Rhodiola Rosea for 3 weeks can truly support our beings.

  • Indianmix RYO

    Inspired by Ayurvedic Medicine, our Indian Mix is a smooth blend of herbs harvested in India. It is an excellent alternative to tob@cco, and can be used alone or as a base for a homemade smoking blend!

    We offer three variations…
    Indian Mix Regular – the most neutral,
    Indian Mix Clove – slightly spicy,
    Indian Mix Mint – very minty with superfresh smell!

    This mix is composed of:

    Whitania Somnifera (Ashwagandha), Camellia Sinensis (Tea Plant), Adhatoda Vasica (Malabar Nut), Rosa Damascena (Damask Rose), Ocimum Gratissimum (Clove Basil), Ocimum Sanctum (Holy Basil or Tulsi).
    + Cinammomum Tamala (Indian Bay Leaf) and Syzygium Aromaticum (Clove) for the Clove variation.
    + Mentha Arvensis (Wild Mint) for the Mint variation.

    We invite you to discover as wel our Herbal Mix Neutral as well as delicious complementary herbs you can use to combine with our smoking bases : Damiana, Calea Zacatechichi, Mexican Tarragon, Blue Lily…!

  • Mullein

    Our Mullein is Certified Organic;

    With fluffy leaves and a rather neutral taste, Mullein is renowned in Europe for being one of the best herbs for the troat. Mullein is calming and softening, with a capacity to restore harmony and balance to the lungs and the respiratory system.

    It can be drank as a herbal tea to support lung health.

    Mullein would be a perfect addition to any homemade sm*king mix! If creating your own mix interests you, read on!

    To create the most neutral herbal mix as possible, with a smooth texture and a soft feel, we recommend a simple and effective recipe based on Mullein and Coltsfoot. Coltsfoot has been used for centuries for the throat/lung, it also offers a great synergy with Mullein!

    If you want something a bit more fruity; we recommend you to try our Organic Raspberry leaves.

    Once your base is created, you can have fun and play with different flavours and effects! We share many herbs for that purpose : Calea Zacatechichi, Mexican Tarragon, Blue lily, Pink lotus pure stamens, Poppy petals…

    Discover also our Pre-made Indian Mix!

  • Guarana

    A gift of pure raw energy, presence, and clarity : Guarana keeps you alert and awake, promoting high concentration with peaceful feelings of harmonious connection with the world.

    Guarana original name “Warana” means “Essence of Reason”. Native to Brazil, it is used by Amazonian Tribes such as the Satéré-Mawé for its spiritual, energizing and numerous medicinal properties.

    Native Brazilians consumed Guarana to increase their stamina endurance, giving them energy to hunt all day long, as well as increasing their receptivity, state of presence, and response to their environment. Guarana also offered them a clear connection with the forest, the plants, and the animals. Those incredible seeds have always been considered of high spirituality, sacred and full of wonder!


    Guarana is a rich plant that contains Guaranine as its main active substance. Guaranine has the same chemical compositions as caffeine, but its effects are 4-7 times stronger than caffeine, and are not followed by the typical caffeine crash you may experience with a caffeinated substance such as coffee. Guarana also contains numerous vitamins (A, E, B1, B3 and PP), minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium and Phosphorus), tannins and amino acids.


    Very High-Quality Guarana Powder & Whole Seeds Certified Organic, imported from small rural communities in Brazil and controlled in a French laboratory.

    The whole seeds are to be eaten like candies : Remove the outer skin and suck it for a while until it soften.

  • Chuchuhuasi

    The Chuchuhuasi Tree bark is a revered Plant Ally to the indigenous tribe of the Amazon.

    Sometime called “Brazilian Ginseng”, Chuchuhuasi is an Adaptogen used for centuries as a potent general tonic, to boost sexual energy and to teach resilience.

    A sacred tree to the Native tribes of South America, Chuchuhuasi is often used during “Dietas”: before, during and after ceremonies with Plant Teachers. The curative and spiritual qualities of Chuchuhuasi taken daily guide and empower its users to handle their transformational journey with ease.

    Chuchuhuasi is a powerful ally to bring balance and empower us into a renewed state of aliveness, helping us to handle every day stress and to move through trauma and anxiety.

    Traditionally used as a potent Aphrodisiac, many Amazonian people drink a shot of Chuchuhuasi tonic each morning to promote stamina, sexual function and the libido.

    Ally of the Women Health, Chuchuhuasi can also balance and strengthen female hormonal systems, bring regularity to irregular period and ease menstrual pains and cramps.

    Chuchuhuasi translates as “trembling back”, refering to its traditional use for back pain, arthritis, rheumatism, from which it is seen to be a true Master Healer from the point of view of the “Curanderos” shamans of the Amazon.

    To this day, the bark is soaked in sugarcane rum to make the drink known as “Go Juice”, which is served in bars and to tourists to give them the stamina for long jungle treks and to relieve muscle aches and pains.

  • Reishi Mushroom

    A magnificent Gift of Nature, prized by Taoists, Buddhists, Royalty and herbalists, Reishi holds an iconic place in the medicinal mushroom family.

    Reishi has been used to support well-being for over 2,000 years in China and Japan, and is one of the oldest mushrooms to be used therapeutically. Also known as the Mushroom of Immortality, Reishi is recognised throughout Asia for its exceptional powers.

    Traditionally, Taoist monks use Reishi to promote calmness, improve meditative practises, and attain a long and healthy life.

    The Reishi mushroom belongs to a special class of medicine known as “Superior tonic”. Those herbs have the potential to strengthen and regulate our whole beings, bringing a general feeling of safety and security.

    Regular consumption of Reishi affects the consciousness deeply. It doesn’t alter our perceptions, but offers profound mental clarity.

    Listed as an adaptogenic plant, Reishi knows how to support our greatest needs, restoring vital energy and inner-balance.

    Most Reishi online are grown under human hands in China, it has nothing to do with Wild Reishi.

    Reishi Mushroom gets it Full Potency from growing wild in very harsh climate!

    We offer Reishi in small pieces to make it more convenient to be used, the pictures depict the entire mushroom before being broken to pieces.

  • Wild Poppy

    Priestess of the Night, Healer of Wounded Hearts, Poppy has a history that thrives and stretched across many ancient cultures. She is one of the most abundant flowers in the world, so we may not miss it!

    Comforting and heart-centred, Wild Poppy invites a softening and relaxation of the mind, body, and emotions.

    Mother Nature wants us, her children, to find soothing from our heart’s deepest pain; and to find sleep always; no matter how heavy is our burden. She offers us Wild Poppy to support us in the great sacrifices we make for love, in everyday courageous acts as in the most challenging initiations of Death and rebirth.

    In nature, you may observe Poppy delicate flower. Like a true loving heart, the Poppy flower is deeply vulnerable yet carried by a mysterious force that gives her strength and resilience to keep blooming anywhere she wants.

    Poppy invokes the will and courage to keep your heart open and finds resurrection from the deepest of wounds. She helps us to surrender and allows the emotions to flow, empowering and reawakening our ability to love even in despair, grief, and sorrow.


    Said to grow in the cave of Hypnos, the Greek God of Sleep, Wild Poppy was traditionally considered one of the most efficient plant ally to soothe restlessness and assure deeply regenerative nights. 


    She offers a delicious, luxurious velvet tea that makes a pleasant and convivial drink to share with friends and family at night. Suitable for children as well.

    Her rich soothing abilities, including emollient and antitussive properties, makes her silky petals a very interesting smoking complement.

  • Sagan Dalya “White Wings”

    Legendary herb of the Mongolian Warrior, Tibetan Shamans and Nobles from the Far East ;

    The “White Wings”, as called by the Buryat indigenous population of the Baikal region, are true Masters to all humans walking the path of the Embodied Spiritual Warrior.

    Used in many magic and healing rituals; Sagan Dalya is a powerful awakener, refreshing all senses and supra-senses.

    With an ability to reveal our Sexual & Spiritual Powers and guide us toward our full energetic integrity, this magical plant holds its magic preciously. It may be used in three different ways : as a pleasant every-day tea accessible to all, as an adaptogenic medicine to drink every day, or as a potent initiatory medicine.

    – Sagan Dalya’s delicate leaves are infused with incomparable flavour, offering a delicious tea that is lovely to share with friends and family.

    – When taken regularly, Sagan Dalya is considered an Adaptogen, capable of revitalising and strengthening the organism as a whole. Adaptogenic herbs help the body adapt and adjust to challenging situations.

    – When used with prayers and reverence, while offering your full presence for the next hours, be ready to flow with its warrior-like, deep trance, empowering energy. You may be very surprised by its potency and wisdom!

  • Tulsi – Holy Basil

    Considered an elixir of life, Holy Basil is one of the major plants of Ayurvedic Medicine, and has been famously used for over 5,000 years!  Tulsi Tea strengthens faith, inspiration, compassion, and spiritual clarity. Classical texts speak of daily consumption of Holy Basil to balance all energy centres.

    Besides being a delicious tea, Holy Basil is a powerful revitaliser and stress cleanser. It has the status of an adaptogenic herb. In Ayurvedic Medicine, an Adaptogen is called Rasayana, meaning “the Circulation of the Essence”. It is a plant that, when taken daily, has the ability to bring about many changes to one’s health, regardless of the specific condition or problem. Holy Basil promotes reconstruction and nourishment for the physically or mentally tired individual.

    Holy Basil is known for restoring balance, by offering soft yet powerful vital energy, and eliminating all forms of stress from the body, day after day! Thus, it can be considered both tonifying and relaxing.

    This incredible plant has become famous for it’s effects on the sleeping consciousness, it regulates sleep cycles and softens dreams while encouraging states of presence and lucidity. It is said to bring flexibility to the sleeping mind, opening the dream space to new horizons. Holy Basil is also a fabulous plant for treating nightmares.

    We offer two different types of Tulsi, Lemon Vana and Rama Tulsi. Two unique flavours carried by the same immense power.

  • Cat’s Claw

    Known as the Life-giving vine of Peru,  Cat’s Claw is a serious Detox & Rejuvenating Master Plant.
    Deeply revered by the healers of South America, Cat’s Claw “Uña de Gato” acts on a wide spectrum of vital functions, targeting the exact needs of the body with strength and precision.
    Efficiently Cleansing and Restoring the body into optimal health, Cat’s Claw may be used in 2–3 weeks of cure to fully reset our being and start anew.
    A mighty Guardian, Cat’s Claw empowers our being to fight against any intrusion, may it be physical, energetical or spiritual.
     Cat’s Claw was considered a true panacea for the ancient tribes of the Amazon.
    Several recent studies demonstrate the remarkable capacity of Cat’s Claw to regenerate the DNA.
    Cat’s Claw acts as an elixir of youth and renewal, promoting longevity and a high quality of life.
  • Eleutheroccocus “Siberian Ginseng”

    Native to regions of North East China, Eastern Russia, Korea, and Japan, Eleuthero has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years to invigorate Qi (energy) and increase stamina.

    In his “Great Catalogue of Medicinal Herbs”, Li Shih Chen called Siberian Ginseng a Superior herb: “Its action is to invigorate physical energy, regulate vigour, strengthen the skeleton and tendons, and increase one’s ambition. As a motivational herb, Siberian Ginseng is difficult to beat – there isn’t much else that can deliver so much wonderful, raw energy.
    Siberian Ginseng may have been the first-ever herb to be called an Adaptogen by the Russian Scientists who created that appellation. An “Adaptogen” is a herb perceived with the ability to help your body adapt when confronted with a challenging environment. In today’s modern world, those herbs are revered as a precious ally to teach us resilience and balance when confronted with the stress and challenges of our ever-changing world.
    Adaptogenic herbs can also provide great support in our journey with healing trauma.
  • Passiflora – Passion Flower

    Passionflower has the power to deeply relax body tensions, mental burdens and troubled emotions…

    Herb of sensuality, softness, delicacy, but also of inspiration and great passion, Passionflower is an herb of creativity, love, joie de vivre, relaxation and much more.

    Passionflower, or “Passion Flower” is full of grace, its intoxicating scents and delicious taste make it an always welcome infusion for a relaxed evening.

    It is said to have received its name from Spanish missionaries, who considered the plant to be a symbol of the passion of Christ.

    Passionflower comes from Mexico where it was already used by the Aztecs for its sedative, hypnotic and magical properties.

    Passionflower has often been used as a potentiator for different preparations, it can intensify the effects of the vast majority of plants associated with it.


    Passionflower is still used today for its calming, hypnotic and sedative effects on the nervous system. It reduces anxiety which prevents rest and soothes fears, states of stress and overwork.


    Its anxiolytic properties are particularly useful for treating anxiety caused by withdrawal, whether from cannabis, opiates, alcohol, hypnotics (sleeping pills) and/or classic anxiolytics.

    Herb of sensuality and softness, inspiration and passion, Passionflower is full of grace!

    An ancestral herb bearer of great mystery, Passionflower offers softness, inspiration, and sensitivity. The leaves and flowers invokes deep rest and subtle euphoria. The beautiful Passionflower soothes fears, helping us to surrender and release the chaos of a troubled mind.

    Passionflower is an excellent synergy booster! With the power to enhance and intensify the effects of other herbal essences, Passionflower has often been used for potentiating various herbal preparations.

    Passionflower originates in Mexico, where it was used by the Aztecs. The flowers have been used by many indigenous communities in South America up until the present day.

    Legends say that Passionflower received it’s name from the Spanish Missionaries, who saw the plant as a symbol of the mystery and passion of Jesus Christ. Passionflower or “Passiflora”, is indeed a very passionate flower! They dubbed the flower and felt that it was the living embodiment of the passion of Christ.

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